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Great Ellingham into Zenzic ZSL Cap 8 – Rollover 30 Months 9%

Secure Loan Note

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Great Ellingham into Zenzic ZSL Cap 8 – Rollover 30 Months 9%

Secured Loan Note Application

Please complete the form, all fields marked with an * are required.

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 4

Investor 1

Will the investment be through a Limited Company?*

Anti-Money Laundering Regulations

We also require personal ID for each investor, in the form of a passport or photographic driving licence, together with proof of address, which can be a utility bill or bank statement (dated within the last 3 months), or your current year council tax bill. N.B If you provide a copy of your photographic driving licence, this covers both ID and proof of address.

Please provide us with the following:
• Proof of ID
• Proof of Address

All ID will need to be certified by your financial advisor. If this is not applicable, alternatively the document/s can be certified by an accountant, solicitor or anyone else who is a member of a professional body. Please contact PIP if you are in doubt.

Please note that due to Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, we are unable invest your funds until acceptable documentation has been provided.
Have you provided the above documentation in the last 3 months.*
Are you investing with another party?*

Office Use Only

The fields below are for use of Property Investor Partnership staff only.